Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Defensive Players -- Nominations

Here's what I have so far:

DL (which includes DE):

Clayton, JS
Sarvinski, FN
Mournig, JS
Olivero, SL
Rylance, MT
Garcia, MT
House, FB
Harmyk, MT
Carrington, FB
Dunbar, JS
Tompkins, JS


Pardini, JS
Delbiaggio, FN
Tomko, MT
Meekins, SPSV
Marchini, SL
O'Neil, SL
Stainer, JS
Essy, BC
Owen, MT
Lowe, FB
Castillo, SL
Davis, MT
Applegate, FB


Richardson, CL
Walsh, FB
Zagajowski, MT
Tillman, SL
Cybuski, JS
Galusha, MT


Cybuski, JS
Walsh, Fort Bragg

Defensive MVP:

Clayton, JS
Marchini, SL
Tomko, MT
Sarvinski, FN


Bob Spain, DV
Chad Nightingale, SL

Please post your nominations as a comment to this post. I am also taking nominations for Defensive MVP and Coach of the Year. You have until Friday, 2:00 pm to get your nominations to me.

We will pick 4 DL, 4 LB, and 4 DB, 1 P, and 1 Coach. I know that adds up to 12 players, but that's what a lot of all league selections do.


Class A Dude said...

A lot of all league selections also pick three RBs and three WRs. Do you guys think we should do the same?

Anonymous said...

Hey JS

We need some Justin DBs on this list. Do you know of any players you could nominate.

Anonymous said...

What do you think about including all 8 playoff teams coaches on the poll? Either that or just give it to the Justin Siena coach. You might want to list the players or coaches in your poll alphabetically to avoid someone accusing you of some sort of bias.

Class A Dude said...

I will update the list and put it into alphabetical order once I get a few more names. I posted them in the order that I received the nominations.

As far as a Coach of the Year, it doesn't necessarily have to be the div. champ, or even a playoff team coach. Is there a team that made a huge turn-around? A team that didn't make the playoffs, but had to battle through adversity? I think we have a lot of options for coach of the year...

Anonymous said...

I definitely think Doughtery Valley's entire coaching staff should be on there. They did remarkable things with a first year program and no upper class leadership

Anonymous said...

sarvinski for defensive mvp, JS coach said it to the paper that he was the toughest player to handle.